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  • Writer's pictureJim Bessman

4D Cityscape extends 'Time Puzzle' concept to fantasy, video game worlds


4D Cityscape's Toy Fair booth

The 4D Cityscape "Time Puzzle" company has taken its patented three-layer puzzle design concept to the fantasy world realm.

"Our biggest hit so far is Game of Thrones," said president Shaun Sakdinan at last month's Toy Fair, referring to his Game of Thrones licensed puzzle line introduced in 2014 and including 4D puzzles of Westeros and Essos, a 3D King's Landing and the smaller Mini-Westeros puzzle.

"We've expanded our licensing with Batman, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings puzzles," Sakdinan continued, "and will soon have out Superman Metropolis, Harry Potter and Fantastic Beast puzzles."

4D Cityscape is also getting into video game locations: "We're expecting great fantasy puzzles from the video game world," said Sakdinan.

"But we're continuing to launch famous city puzzles, our recent models including Los Angeles, Boston, Seattle and Prague."

4D Cityscape puzzles let players assemble a three-dimensional map of a famous city, and via the included "Time Poster," locate and place key buildings on the map according to the year they were built—giving them the fourth dimension (4D) of time.

The Mini-4D puzzles, by the way, are 100-piece versions of the 1,000-piece 4D Citycscapes that remain the company's signature product.



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